Sorry to everyone that has joined the LS for the lack of updates.

Friends have quit/ain't coming back to the game and I can't seem to find motivation to play this game anymore. The new content is rather boring, Rieves, whatever it's called is rather tedious and I think people are quitting in general - going by the lack of normal stuff shouts and yells.

Recruiting has been difficult too, SE's official LS thing is not working either so I can't get a Guildworks up (not sure if that even helps).

/sigh all around.

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    Ribena, yup, that's me! Why Ribena?! Why?! Why didn't I change it? Why?!

    About Me

    My in-game character is Ribena. It wasn't originally, it was Shiryu when I was on the Remora server. Why on Earth did I name myself Ribena I don't know, I must have been drunk, drugged or crazy.

    Why I didn't change it when I moved to Ragnarok server also baffles me. 

    The creator of EastWest Linkshell. I don't like to be referred to as 'Leader' because frankly what is a leader of a linkshell suppose to do nowadays? 


    April 2013
    March 2013


    Final Fantasy
    Seekers Of Adoulin